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Connecting Amazon DSP Account via Amazon Ads


Amazon DSP Advertiser Accounts can be linked to CreativeX in order to analyze Display content.


Before you get started, please note that you must be an Entity Admin to complete the connections and that when doing so, each entity must be connected separately, one at a time.

Connecting Your Advertiser Accounts

  • In the CreativeX platform, look for “Connections” on the side menu. Expand, and click “Link New Account”.
  • Choose the “Amazon Ads” card (your organization must have enabled Amazon Ads otherwise this card will not appear).
  • Use your Amazon credentials to sign into your account.


  • Use the Entity Name and ID Number to identify the entity you’d like to connect. Then, select each Advertiser Account that you’d like to connect.
  • Assign a brand and partner to your accounts.
  • Confirm that the information is correct and complete the connection! You will now be able to view all of the connections in the “Account Overview” table.

Additional Info & Reminders

  1. You must be an Entity Admin to complete any connection for Amazon DSP.
  2. Each Entity must be connected separately, one at a time.
  3. If an account contains content for multiple brands, choose the Multi-brand option.
  4. Markets are assigned automatically so will not appear on the connection pages.
  5. CreativeX will obtain access to creatives and campaign data for the specified advertiser accounts that you have chosen. The access to this data is provided via a secure oAuth connection granted & controlled by your Entity Admin and CreativeX will NOT adjust or alter any information outside of our system.

Why can’t I select a Market for my Amazon connections?

A market is assigned within Amazon whenever an advertiser/entity is created. This means that this information is easily and reliably identified within the linking process as it is already a core part of the ad account’s metadata.

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