What are Channels and Publishers?
- Channels are the platform on which ads are purchased. These are where our clients and their agencies manage their content and oversee when and how they run campaigns on any given Publisher (e.g. DV360).
- If we consider Channel to be the platform on which ads are purchased, then Publisher is the platform on which those ads are served to audiences (e.g. YouTube).
What does it mean for me as a user?
1. All ads will belong to a channel, and in some cases, ads will also belong to a publisher, and possibly a placement.
2. You are able to view Channel and Publisher information in:
Dashboard filters
You can use the Publisher filter to view data only for a specific Publisher, across Channels. For example, a user could select “YouTube” as the publisher and see ads purchased via both DV360 and Google Ads since YouTube inventory can be accessed from both platforms.
If a user selects a Channel followed by a Publisher, they can see content that only pertains to that combination of filters. For example, a user could select “Google Ads” as the channel and “YouTube” as the publisher and only see YouTube ads that were run through Google Ads.
When an asset is being tested against a Channel that contains multiple Publishers, the Publisher will also need to be selected. For example, if you are testing an asset for YouTube, you will first need to select the Channel (DV360 / Google Ads) and then select the Publisher (YouTube).
Note: As YouTube rules are set up for both DV360 and Google Ads, and as long as the Publisher is selected as YouTube, Creative Agencies can select either channel and assets will be scored the same as they are tested against the same guidelines.
Data exports include a column for "Channel" and a column for "Publisher"
API integrations
If you use our reporting API, you will see a new field called Publisher that can be ingested with your reporting data.
Note: the Channel 'Google Ads' is still named 'YouTube Ads' via our API. We plan to upgrade our API version in the future and include this update.
If you use our Content API, you can still submit assets without interruption or changes.
Note: the Channel 'Google Ads' is still named 'YouTube Ads' via our API and you cannot yet select the Publisher when submitting assets via our Content API. We plan to upgrade our API version in the future and include this update.