Periodically, the connection between your Ad Accounts and CreativeX will lapse. It is important to relink your platforms as soon as possible to minimize losses in data and continue getting up-to-date creative insights.
To ensure that no lapses in data occur without your organization’s knowledge, we recommend that each organization have multiple users opted-in to notifications regarding platform connections. Opt-in for notifications from your account or find full instructions to opt-in here.
Who can reconnect lapsed platform connections?
- If you originally connected the account, you will be able to reconnect the platform connection. We recommend that this user reconnect the accounts.
- If you didn’t connect the account but you have both a CreativeX account and administrative privileges on your brand’s 3rd party platform, you can also reconnect the lapsed account to CreativeX.
Who is notified when a platform connection has lapsed?
- Whoever made the original connection will receive an email when a connection has lapsed.
- The email contains links and instructions to reconnect the account.
- Other users can also opt-in to lapsed account notifications, and will receive an email with details on who connected the account with links and instructions to pass on.
Reconnecting Your Accounts
I originally connected the platform to CreativeX - How do I reconnect a lapsed connection?
From the notification email
- Find your notification email(s) with details of the lapsed connections
- Select the unique link to reconnect the lapsed platform connections
- You will receive multiple emails, review each carefully:
- One email per each Instagram or Facebook lapsed connection and/or
- One email notifying you of multiple connection lapses across Snapchat, YouTube, or Twitter.
From your CreativeX Account
- Select Connections, and click on Ad Accounts
- If any lapsed accounts are present, a "Needs Connecting" header will be listed as the first tab and highlighted with an exclamation point.
- The number in brackets will indicate how many connections sit under this status.
- Select “Needs Connecting" to view all of these accounts in one table.
- Click Activate next to the lapsed account details to reconnect it.
- Depending on the platform, you’ll be guided through a multi-step account connection flow.
- Once your platform connection has been reconnected, the account will then appear under the “Active" tab.
The original connector of the account is not available, how do I reconnect a lapsed platform connection?
- Anyone who has administrative permissions on your brand’s social platform can reconnect it to CreativeX. For support on this, please connect with us.
Additional Details
Where else can I see lapsed account information?
- The Data Coverage overview and Ad Account Manager both show information about the number of lapsed accounts for your organisation. You'll see numbers indicated across the top of each page to let you know how many lapses there are and what action to take.