What is a Pre-Flight and how do I use it?


Our Pre-Flight tool enables you to upload creatives (including images, videos, and gifs) prior to publication to check these against your platform best practices, brand guidelines and/or regulation requirements. This is a way to validate that your creatives are set up for success before investing any media budget in that creative and showing them to your users. This can be done for any platform you would like to test for. You can submit 1 to 100’s of new pieces of content at a time. To submit content for Pre-Flight evaluation:

  • Login to your account and navigate to the Pre-Flight section from the navigation bar.
  • Select “Submit New” or click here


  • Next, upload the content you’d like evaluated either by dragging and dropping them in or by selecting them through your locally hosted files. Successfully uploaded will display a green and white check mark in the top right-hand corner of the asset.
  • Uploading your content will create a “Session”. Within a Pre-Flight session, you can upload one to dozens or even hundreds of creatives in one go, across all of your brands and markets.
    • Please note that you can upload additional files at any time during your session by selecting “+Add More”.


  • To submit an asset(s) for Pre-Flight submission simply name your Pre-Flight submission, and select the Brand, Market, Channel, and Placement (if applicable).
  • Then select the uploaded file(s), by clicking on the file directly, or clicking the “…” button to select or deselect all the files that you would like to submit under the Name, Brand, Market, Channel, and Placement you have outlined. You will know you have successfully selected the file for evaluation if a red outline appears around that particular asset.
    • Please note that all selected files must belong to the same brand and market, and must be meant for the same platform. This is because the creative best practices that we check for are often brand, market, and platform specific.
  • Click “Submit” and your first batch of Pre-Flight creatives will be submitted for evaluation. You will know your Pre-Flight creatives were successfully submitted if the green notification pops up stating “Pre-Flight submitted - Results will be ready in 24 hours or less”.


  • To submit additional Pre-Flight submissions within your session, follow the steps outlined above by naming your next submission, selecting the brand, market and platform, and assets from within the “Your Creatives” workspace.
  • Additionally, you will see a log of all of your Pre-Flight submissions and the assets included in each submission underneath the “Your Creatives” workspace so you can keep track of which creatives have been submitted during your session.


  • After completing all of your submissions, select “Exit Session”.
    • Please note that when exiting your session, all of the creatives uploaded into your workspace will be cleared.

If you have any questions regarding our Pre-Flight experience, please feel free to contact us at support@creativex.com.

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