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Can I set rules by placement?

You can set up a rule based on a specific placement, such as Facebook Story or Facebook Newsfeed. For example, if the recommended aspect ratio for Story Ads is 9:16 while for Feed Ads, it's 4:5, our system will apply your specific rule definition based on the specific placement that the ad is running on. Please note that you can get bundled data for the rule overall even when it has placement-specific definitions (so you can see how often your organization uses the correct aspect ratio on Facebook, and dive deeper to see how that varies by specific placement).  

Rules based on placements can be set to both in-flight and pre-flight creatives: 

  • In-Flight creatives: Placement data is programmatically determined based on the ad setup and what placement that ad was run on. 
  • Pre-flight creatives: The user submitting a creative for pre-flight evaluation will need to specify what placement that ad is intended for. If no placement is selected, the creative will be analyzed against rules that apply to all creatives for that publisher (i.e. Facebook). 

Please note that at this time, this functionality is only available for Facebook and Instagram Ads. To create or update rules based on a placement, please reach out to your Account Manager or email We currently support the following placements for Facebook and Instagram Ads, which are updated regularly based on updates that Facebook makes to its placement selection: 


  1. Facebook - Facebook Stories
  2. Facebook - Feed
  3. Facebook - Reels
  4. Facebook - Instant Article
  5. Facebook - Marketplace
  6. Facebook - Right-Hand Column
  7. Facebook - Search
  8. Facebook - Search Serp
  9. Facebook - Suggested Video
  10. Facebook - Video Feeds
  11. Audience Network - An Classic
  12. Audience Network - Rewarded Video
  13. Messenger - Messenger Inbox
  14. Messenger - Messenger Stories
  15. Facebook - Facebook Groups Feed
  16. Facebook - Unknown
  17. Facebook - Instream Video
  18. Audience Network - Instream Video


  1. Instagram Feed
  2. Instagram Reels
  3. Instagram Explore
  4. Instagram Stories
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