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Can I set guidelines based on copy or text?

Our system enables you to set guidelines based on the copy that you use and our technology is able to evaluate two different types of copy guidelines at the moment: 

  1. Copy guidelines based on the post description: You can specify whether a specific copy has to be present in the post description associated with your ad or post. In this case, we would look for the presence of a word or phrase within the copy accompanying your visual. Please note that rules based on post copy can only be applied to in-flight creatives. 
    • Guideline Example: Brand Name in Post Copy. This will detect whether your brand name is mentioned in the copy accompanying the ad. 
  2. Copy guidelines based on copy contained in the creative: In addition to evaluation copy in the post or ad description, we also use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to detect the presence of specific copy in the creative file itself, whether as a text overlay or super in the file. Guidelines based on copy in the creative can be applied to both pre-flight and in-flight creatives. 
    • Guideline Example: Terms & Conditions are present in the creative. This will detect the presence of specified T&Cs in the actual image or video file. You can also specify when the required text has to be present on-screen in the case of a video (i.e. disclaimer has to be present in the first 5 seconds of a video). 
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