Enabling Display Ads for connected DV360 accounts


You will need to complete the steps outlined below if:

  1. You want to enable Display Ads for your pre-existing DV360 accounts that were connected via oAuth
  2. You previously opted out of granting permissions for Display Ads

Note: If you do not see the Supporting Connections card for Display Ads, then your organization may not have opted to start processing this content yet. You can reach out to your organization or support@creativex.com for more information.


To complete this process you will need to provide Read Only access to your DV360 account. If you do not have the right permissions we recommend liaising colleagues with admin access to complete the process.


Access DV360 & Grant Partner Access

  1. Navigate to Connections: Select Connections > Link New Account from the side menu.
  2. Enable DV360 Display Ads: Under Supporting Connections, find and select the ‘Enable DV360 Display Ads’ card.
  3. Proceed with Setup: Press Continue to proceed.

image (4).png

  • Follow the on-screen instructions displayed there (shown below), ensuring you grant access to the accounts listed at the bottom of that page.
  • The IDs of the accounts that need to be connected will be highlighted in the red boxes in the provided screenshot.

Dv3b screenshot.jpeg

4. Grant Access: Add integrations@picassolabs.com as a User to each of the Advertisers (accounts) you wish to connect.

Important: You should choose Read Only access


Once these steps are completed, return to the CreativeX dashboard and confirm that the connections have been made; the accounts should then no longer appear in the original list.

Our CreativeX team will finalise the connections on our end and send you a confirmation via email. You can expect Display content to appear on your dashboard within 1-2 weeks.

If you encounter any issues, please contact us at support@creativex.com.

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