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What happens if I update my ad after it's gone live?

  • Platforms applicable to: Facebook and Instagram only
  • Content applicable to: In-flight content only. 

CreativeX captures edits made by your teams to ads that are run on Facebook and Instagram. We retrieve daily updates from Facebook to understand if your Post Copy or Call to Action (in the form of the native platform mechanic button) has been updated since the original publication. If updates are made to either field, CreativeX will register it as a new “Version” of the ad and reevaluate it against the creative criteria you're tracking.

This change allows us to:

  1. Ensure we have the most up-to-date post, and thereby assessment, information.
  2. Incorporate changes to posts into your Creative Quality Score (i.e. if you forget to include a call to action button, but fix it quickly, we’ll be able to catch that and update our score accordingly).
  3. Update your Creative Quality Spend Rates to take into account any changes you make.

If you have an ad with multiple versions, here's how it impacts Creative Quality Score and Creative Quality Spend rate: 

  • Creative Quality Score: This will only incorporate the last version of the post that's running. Any prior posts are not incorporated into the calculation. 
  • Creative Quality Spend Rate: This will incorporate every version of the post that's ever been run, including the amount spent on each version of the post. 

All CSV downloads obtained from the Exports tool will now contain a "Version ID" column, which will list the version number that the data in the row corresponds to. This is necessary so that customers can calculate the Creative Quality Score directly to match with the data shown on our platform.


Currently, the following ad changes are checked for overnight:

  • Updates to the post copy
  • Updates to the CTA 

Note: If an update is made to the image or video itself (asset), or if a new one is uploaded within the original post, CreativeX is currently not able to capture and expose that change. Only the original asset, that was first analysed, will show on your dashboard but the new metrics will update, as described above.



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