How do I opt-in to notifications about 3rd party platform connection lapses?


Relinking your platform connection to CreativeX in a timely manner prevents data loss and maintains full visibility into your creative efficiency and effectiveness.

We highly recommend to have multiple users in your organization opt-in to receive notifications for 3rd party platform connection lapses. This ensures the alerts reach the appropriate team(s) in a timely manner, and accounts can be quickly reconnected.

Managing Your Notifications

If you connected the platforms originally, you will be automatically opted-in for notifications.

To opt-in to notifications for platforms you did not connect to CreativeX, follow the steps below.

Note: You will only be able to opt-in to notifications that are aligned with your user permissions

  1. Find "Settings" from the side menu and click to expand the options.
  2. Select "My Profile" and then click on "General".
  3. At the top of the page, you’ll see three Lapsed Account Notification options to choose from.
    • Accounts I’ve Linked - To receive only notifications from your own ad account connections.
    • All Accounts - To receive notifications from ALL ad accounts within your network.
    • Filtered Accounts - This option will allow you to choose which specific accounts you will receive notifications for based on brand, market, partner, and channel combination).

Who can reconnect lapsed platform connections?

If you originally connected the account, you will be able to reconnect the platform connection. If you didn’t connect the account but you have admin privileges on the 3rd party platform, you will also be able to reconnect it to CreativeX. Step-by-step instructions on how to re-connect the accounts are available here.

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