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How do I view and manage my ad accounts in CreativeX?


Connecting and managing your ad accounts will help you to ensure that there's a consistent flow of data into your dashboard. You can also identify whenever there might be any gaps that need to be filled, or if there are any issues with connections that have already been made.

⚠ Please note that you will only be able to see an ad account associated with the same partner as yours.


Account Manager Features

Ad Account & Brand Page Views

  • Ad Accounts and Facebook Brand Pages are split into two separate tables.
    • You can use each one to monitor the number of connections that you have, and the statuses of each one so that you can see what's linked or where you might need to take action.
  • When viewing Ad Accounts, "Needs Reconnecting" (formerly Lapsed Accounts) is always highlighted first as you'll want to ensure that this number is as low as possible so that we're continuously pulling in as much content as possible.
  • The Brand Pages tab will show you a complete list of all of the Facebook Brand Pages you have, as well as any that need to be (re)linked.
    • For information on Facebook Brand Pages see our article here.

Status Tabs

Different connection Statuses are split out into their own tabs so that you can more easily see and sort through them.

The number next to the Status indicates how many connections are in each section and this number updates automatically based both on the filters that you’ve selected and the terms you’ve written into the dynamic search box. More on that below!


Dynamic Searches

  • If you know exactly what you’re looking for, the dynamic search box is the quickest way to filter through your connections.
  • Typing into the box will bring up all relevant information and highlight the matching text so there's no need to scroll through every page, or use every filter, but you can use these together to narrow things down further as you need.


Just type in an ID, or a keyword into the search box and watch as the table finds different information based on your search. You can use this to quickly highlight content from the columns listed below:

Ad Accounts Brand Pages
Platform Account ID Brand Brand Page ID Brand Page Name Date Linked
Market Partner Owner      
Date Linked          


Export Functionality

  • The ad account manager includes an Export option within both the Ad Accounts and Brand Pages tabs so that you’ll be able to download a .csv file of the exact search that you've created!

Remember, the download is dependent on your selection of filters, search fields and the tab that you're currently viewing so don't forget to make sure that you've selected the ones you need!

Additional Features

Brand and Market Columns

The Brand and Market fields are split out in an easy-to-read view so you can see and search for the associations for each of your ad accounts.


Brand, Market, Channel, Partner and Owner filters allow you to jump to specific groups of content. As mentioned, you can combine these together and also use them alongside the dynamic search, to find specific information much more quickly than before!

Sorting Columns

Clicking on a column header will allow you to reorganise the table from Ascending > Descending and vice versa.


If you need any support or have questions on what to do with regard to Ad Accounts then check out our other articles under the Connecting 3rd Party Accounts section, or reach out to for assistance!

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