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Safe Zones

Safe Zones are the areas of a post where the ad won't be obstructed by important platform features like the "Like" and "Share" buttons, or a post's description and title.

If text appears outside of the safe zones at any time, the creative will fail this guideline.

Each zone is based on the platform's recommendations and varies due to their different user interfaces and functionalities. You can find out more about each of them here:



What creative elements are assessed for Safe Zones in CreativeX?

CreativeX observes whenever text appears outside of the safe zones. Text is defined as text overlays, superimposed brand text & brand names (these include text that appears in logos), or text shown on any packaging.


Supported platforms:

  • Meta 
    • Instagram Reels
    • Instagram Stories
    • Facebook Reels
    • Facebook Stories
    • Messenger Stories
  • Snapchat
  • TikTok
  • YouTube


Pass & Fail Examples:

SafeZones_Pass.png      SafeZones_Fail.png   

                             Pass                                                                               Fail


What can I do if I believe the Safe Zone assessment is incorrect?

You can challenge and Safe Zone assessment by following the steps outlined here.

You can find some templates to use to measure the Safe Zones of your creatives before submitting them to the platform here.

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