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On the Creatives Tab, what does the number on top my creative asset represent?

On the Creatives Tab, some of the creative assets you see will have a number in the top left-hand corner. That number represents the unique number of ad IDs that are associated with this creative. 


When creatives are shown on the Creatives Tab, they are deduplicated, which means that if the same image or video is used across multiple campaigns, posts or pre-flight submissions, we recognize that the creative asset is the same and group all those ads together. For example, if you see the number 8 next to an image or video, that means that the image or video was used across 8 unique ad IDs or implementations. 

The unique asset itself is the core unit around which other data is aggregated. This allows you to see the frequency with which each unique asset is being used and get more visibility into the spend and performance of each unique creative asset your teams are producing. 


Things to know:

  • The most common reasons for using the same creative asset across multiple ads, or campaigns, is usually due to wanting to customize other elements of the ad while relying on the same creative, such as targeting different audience segments or testing different messages alongside that image or video. 
  • If a creative asset is used in an ad which is paused and then unpaused, it will not count towards multiple ads. As long as the ad ID associated with that creative remains the same, it counts as one use of that creative asset. 
  • For organic content, which does not have ad IDs, any unique posting of an asset will count as a separate use. So if the same image is posted in December and then again in March, our system would recognize it's the same creative and count that as 2 uses of that asset. 
  • The number in the top left represents the total unique times the creative was used, even if some of the ads or campaigns associated with that creative are later deleted or deactivated. 
  • If the same creative asset is used in an ad on different platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, the use of that creative on each platform would count as 1 unique use. So if the same creative asset was used in 1 unique ad on Facebook and 1 unique ad on Instagram, you'll see the number "2" in the top left-hand corner of that image or video on your Creatives Tab. 
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