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How can I filter data in my dashboard?

You can filter data by multiple parameters throughout the platform by clicking on the plus sign located next to the filter icon at the top of your dashboard.

The most common filters that you're likely to use when segmenting your data are as follows:

  • General
    1. Ad Account: If you have several ad accounts connected to your brand, see how each account or groups of accounts are performing by selecting the ad accounts you're most interested in. 
    2. Ad Campaign: Segment your data by campaigns or specific campaign objectives (i.e. brand awareness, conversions, clicks) to determine how performance varies based on campaign type. 
    3. Ad Format: See how your assets are performing depending of the format selected.
    4. Asset Type: Choose between image or video if you’d like to see guideline adoption by type of creative. 
    5. Brand: Select the brands that you’d like to filter by. You can select multiple brands at once. This is useful if you’re trying to compare groups of brands against each other (for example, how do lagers vs non-alcoholic brands fare in terms of guideline adoption) or if you’d simply like to access data for your specific brand. 
    6. Campaign Status: Choose between creatives that were evaluated via pre-flight or in-flight. Please note this filter is only available in the Creatives Tab. 
    7. Channel: See results for each channel you’re tracking (i.e. Facebook vs YouTube).
    8. Creative Quality Tier: Filter creatives by their tier (e.g. Excellent, On Track, or Needs Work). To understand or customize your creative score tiers, please see this FAQ.  
    9. Market: Select the markets you care about. You can use this to filter down to your specific market or select multiple markets in one go if you’d like to compare adoption across a continent or a region. 
    10. Partner: Understand how all of your companies (or agencies) are performing by selecting 'Partner' in the filter, after which, you will be able to select as many as needed for your analysis.

You can further filter your results by the following groups; Custom Filters, Guidelines (Rules), Creatives (via a CreativeX ID), Metrics & Searches

  • Custom Filters
    • Should your organization have set up custom filters, you can select these form the dropdown menu to jump to specific groups of data. You can find out more about custom filters in this article.
  • Guidelines
    • You can further filter your results by whether a certain guideline was passed or failed. For example, let's say you're trying to determine if creatives that have the correct aspect ratio are also likely to feature the brand in the first few seconds. You can set the filter to see data for all creatives where the aspect ratio guideline was passed and determine how that trickles down to your other rules. 
  • Creatives
    • If you know the CreativeX ID (sometimes referred to as the Asset ID) of a piece of content, you can jump straight to it from the menu. Remember: You'll need to set the Date to All Time or the corresponding month that it was posted in order to see the result appear.
  • Metrics
    • Check the performance of your creatives based on their impression and spend levels. For example, let's say you're trying to determine what percentage of your media spend goes behind 100% excellent creatives among ads that have a $100K+ investment. You can set the spend level to be greater than $100,000 and compare that to your overall performance across all ads. 
  • SearchesIf you're looking to pull up posts that use a specific hashtag (for example, as part of a campaign) or reference a product, you can select the "Keyword Search" filter, enter your keyword, and we'll show you all creatives that contain that word in the post description. 

Additional Compliance Filters:

If you are using Compliance based rules within CreativeX, you can also filter on "Compliance Status" to find which creatives are compliant or non-compliant with your regulatory guidelines. 

Additional Brand Consistency Filters:

If you are using the Brand Consistency based rules within CreativeX, you can also filter on Brand Consistency Status to find which creatives are consistent or inconsistent with your brand guidelines. 


Results can be further refined by date. Simply select the month, quarter, or year that is applicable in the top right-hand corner of the dashboard. 

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