What does each KPI mean in the “Creative Quality” Overview Tab and how are they measured?
Creative Quality has four key performance metrics (KPIs):
1. Creative Quality Score (CQS),
2. Average Creative Quality Score (ACQS),
3. Quality Spend Rate (QSR).
These are measurements to help a brand understand its global adherence to best practices that they have defined through their guidelines and scores.
What is Creative Quality Score (CQS)?
This score represents the proportion of creatives that have met all the best practice guidelines. The score is displayed as a percentage - i.e. if you have 3 posts (individually scored 80%, 100%, 100%) the CQS would be 66%.
Creative Quality Score [CQS %] = the number of best practices applied / the total number of best practices tracked.
What is Quality Spend Rate (QSR) and Quality Spend?
This represents the proportion of ad spend behind posts with creatives that have met all guidelines as a percentage of total ad spend. Your brand will have access to not just your QSR, shown as a percentage, but the Quality Spend itself, represented in real dollar amounts.
Quality Spend Rate [QSR %] = ad spend spent on creative content scored “excellent”/ total ad spend.
What is Average Creative Quality Score (ACQS)?
Average Creative Quality Score represents the average CQS per post for a brand. While CQS is an overall measurement of adherence to a brand’s best practices, ACQS is the average best practice adherence per post.
Average Creative Quality Score [ACQS %] = the sum of every post’s individual CQS / total number of posts.
What are other metrics in the Creative Quality dashboard?
- Content Breakdown: This represents the percentage of creatives that fall into each tier. The threshold for each tier is customized by each organization and can be found on the Scores page within the Reference section of your dashboard.
- Excellent: Creative meets all guidelines
- On Track: Creative meets all but 1 or 2 guidelines
- Needs Work: Creative fails to meet more than 2 guidelines
- Adoption Rate: This represents the percentage of creatives that have met an individual guideline.
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