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How can I build, customize and save a report?


Our reporting features are designed to give you complete control over your data. Whether you need to generate reports monthly or on an ad-hoc basis, our platform makes it simple to build, customize, and save reports for future use.

Follow the steps below to get started:

Step 1: Accessing the Reporting Features

To begin building your report, navigate to the New Report section. From here, you can select the type of report you wish to report on, such as scores, time periods or guideline reporting.

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Step 2: Building Your Report

Once inside the reporting tool, you'll find some default settings already in place to help you get started. From here, you can customize your report by choosing:

  • Setup: Pick the key segments and metrics you’ll want to analyze.
  • Filters: Narrow down the scope of your report by selecting specific data filters, such as the brands or markets you’re most interested in.
  • Dates: Select the time period you’re looking to report on, whether historical or real time.

Step 3: Visualize Your Report

At the moment, our tool offers both bar chart and data table visualizations in one view. You can:

  • Select what metric you’d like to visualize in the bar charts.
  • Sort the table by any of the columns for either segment or metrics. For example, you can sort by ‘low quality spend’ to identify areas needing most improvement.

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Step 4: Saving Your Report

Once you're satisfied with your report, you can save it for future use. Simply:

  • Give your report a name that is easy to identify for future use. Optionally, add a description for further clarity.
  • Click the Save button.

Your saved reports will be accessible from the My Reports section, making it easy to access and run them again whenever you need.

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Step 5: Exporting and Sharing Your Report

Once you’re satisfied with your report, you can also export it for further analysis by clicking on ‘Export CSV’. You can then choose to send this report directly to your teams; or combine this with any other data sources you’re working on.

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Step 6: Running Reports on a Monthly or Ad-Hoc Basis

You have two ways to use your saved reports:

  1. Monthly Reporting: If you need to run a report on a regular basis, simply return to your saved reports in My Reports at the beginning of each month, adjust the date range (if needed), and generate your report with updated data.
  2. Ad-Hoc Reporting: Need a report on the fly? You can either access your saved reports, make quick adjustments to the filters or metrics, and generate the report immediately (without saving it); or you can create a new report from scratch for an impromptu request.

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