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Can I customize the weight of my guidelines?

Please note the feature below is only available for users who have Admin permission. 

As a default, all guidelines set up in our system carry zero weight, therefore guideline weights need to be assigned to determine a Creative Quality Score.

Weight is calculated by taking the number of guidelines you're tracking and dividing 100% by that number of rules. For example, if your organization is tracking 5 guidelines, each guideline will contribute 20% to your overall Creative Quality Score. (To customize the minimum score a creative needs to reach to be considered Excellent or on Track, please review our FAQ).

If certain guidelines are worth more (or less) to you than others and should contribute a different amount towards your Creative Quality Score or your Creative Quality Spend Rate, you can customize the weight of each guideline in the Reference section of our dashboard. You can also set guidelines to carry no weight (0% contribution towards Creative Quality or Quality Spend Rate) if you're testing a new guideline and looking to measure adherence before factoring it into your Creative Quality Score. 

Guideline weights can be updated by platform so the same guideline can carry a different weight for your Facebook Ads vs your YouTube ads, for example. At this time, guideline weights cannot be updated by market or brand. 

To update the weight of each guideline, please follow the steps below: 

  1. Navigate to the Reference section of your dashboard and select Scores
  2. Select the channel whose guideline weight you'd like to edit. If you'd like to edit a guideline that applies to multiple channels, you will need to customize that guideline for each channel in scope. 
  3. Next to Guideline Weights, click "Edit." 
  4. Next, set the number of points you'd like each guideline to have. As a default, each guideline has 1 point. Points are how we determine the weight of each guideline. Percentages are calculated by taking the point value assigned to each guideline and dividing that by the total number of points. To modify a weight, adjust a guideline’s point value to see the percentages update. Guidelines that have zero points won’t be factored into the creative quality metrics. 
  5. Once you're happy with the new percentages carried by each guideline, click "Update" in the bottom right to save your change. 

The new guideline weights you've set will start processing automatically. Creative Quality and Quality Spend Rate scores for all creatives that have been run on that channel will be recalculated based on the changes you've made. It will take from 1 to 24 hours for the change to fully propagate through your dashboard. 

Anytime a change is made to your guideline weights, you'll see that change reflected in your change log. The change log will specify what guideline weights were updated, the prior and current value of the guideline, and the admin who made the change. 

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